Department of Botany


The Department of Botany offering B.Sc. course was established in 2013. In 2021, the institution decided to expand the faculty hence the B. Sc. III rd year classes were opened. Botany Department arranges various activities in the college to improve student’s knowledge. The Department has a well-equipped laboratory with modern instruments. The department is enriched with learning resources such as charts, slides, models, herbarium which help the students in independent learning. Department of Botany also has Botanical Garden with various medicinal plants.


“Inculcate students with scientific temperament, environmental awareness & prepare them to face challenges in life”.


To offer wide and relevant education to the students and to promote practical skills in the field of botany so as to develop a center of excellence.

Scope of the Subject :

After completing graduation, student can appear for various competitive examinations like Indian Forest Services, Indian Administrative Services conducted by UPSC. These graduates can find employment opportunities in Bio technology firms, Herbal product companies and research organizations. They can also take up several other job positions. Hence, B.Sc. Botany can offer a bright future to eligible candidates.
Student can also opt for ornamental horticulture and landscape design. Student can obtain specialization in plant breeding, plant pathology, agronomy, and horticulture. Teaching botany is challenging and rewarding career. Some botanists work in marketing or administration of plant related industries such as pharmaceutical companies, seed companies, biotechnology firms, scientific publishers and biological supply houses. Other plant biologists work in museums, herbaria and botanical gardens.

Departmental Activity:

2.Quiz Competition

Facilities :

1.Botanical Garden with various medical plants
2.Departmental Library
3.ICT Material – PPT (150)
4.Well Equipped Laboratory

1.To impart quality education in the fields of Botany to make the students acquire an in-depth knowledge relevant to local, regional and national needs.
2.To achieve academic excellence in basic and applied aspects of plant sciences.
3.To help the students to understand the concept of Botany to impact knowledge as applicable to agriculture, horticulture and forestry.
4.To guide students and society about sustainable environment management.
5.To introduce the students about importance of plants as an integral part of existence on the planet.

About the Botanical Garden :

The PMT’s Art’s, Commerce and Science College, Shevgaon is established to provide knowledge & educational facilities to the students of rural and urban areas. Since opening of the college our staff is dedicated to motivate the people of this area to increase their agricultural knowledge and social upliftments.
Our college has a special botanical garden for senior college students & a special Crop Science department under Bio-focal courses. It provides special techniques, special practical and Knowledge to the students for employment and self employment. It plays a very important role in academic and socio-economical progress.
The college Botanical Garden was established according to needs of students’ academicians, environmental studies and society from June 2018. Since, 2018 we are continuously planting phytogeographic, endemic, medicinal and rare plants. So today we have collection of number of plants in our garden.
Other than this we are propagating various seedlings and distributing them in various schools, colleges, social and Govt. organization for social forestry. For achieving the aims and objectives of botanical garden we are conducting environmental awareness programme, tree plantation, plant relies and delivered lectures for rural society.
The Botanic garden was systematically planned in the presence of principal & Botany staff. Botanical garden present in front of main building. Various plant species are planned to increase aesthetic sense. It also increases beauty of college campus. Botanical garden has separate sectors for ornamental, Seasonal, Medicinal plants and vermicomposting unit.
Vermicomposting unit is an ecological way of dealing with organic waste. The most important aspect of compost produced by earthworms is that it is 100% organic. There are no harmful chemicals and it does not need to be mixed with anything. Vermicomposting produces a product that is naturally designed to benefit plants in several different ways. The most significant benefit is that the nutrients in earthworm compost are very easily absorbed by the roots of plants. Unlike chemical fertilizers, Vermicompost is not easily flushed from the soil because of the worm mucus that it contains. Plants have longer to obtain the nutrients and get the maximum benefit. As the compost is passing through the body of the worms it is enriched with bacteria and microbes. These help plants to become more disease resistant and also repel some plant pests. Vermicompost is a colloid and holds up to nine times its own weight in water. This can make a huge difference when there is a dry spell. Vermicomposting unit derived organic fertilizer applied to the botanical garden. Considering the advantages of Vermicomposting,, PMT’s Art’s, Commerce and Science College, Shevgaon has taken initiative in construction of Vermicomposting Plant near main Canteen and botanical garden.

Our future plan:-

1) To establish Cactus Polyhouse, Vertical garden sectors to grow rare, endemic, endangered threatened plants.
2) Ex-situ conservation and multiplication of endemic plant species of indigenous (desi) plants.
3) Establishment of seedbanks.


Miss. Madne Pooja Sambhaji

Qualification: M.Sc. (Botany)SET, Ph.D.(Pursuing)

Designation: Head &Assistant Professor

Experience: 2 Year


Mr. Kharat Rahul Bandu

Qualification: M.Sc. (Botany)

Designation:Assistant Professor

Experience: 2 Years


Mr.Somnath Dattatray Dhamal

Qualification: Msc(Ag),GPB ,B.Ed

Designation: Assistant Professor

Experience: 4 Year


Mr . Bansode Lajras Ratan

Qualification: M.Sc.B.Ed

Designation:Assistant Professor

Experience: 4 Years

S.No Class Paper Name With Code Name Of The Faculty
1 F.Y.B.Sc. BO 111- Plant Life and Utilization I
BO 112- Plant Morphology and Anatomy
BO 121- Plant Life and Utilization II
BO 122- Principles of Plant Science
Asst.Prof. Kharat R.B.
Asst.Prof. Madne P.S.
Asst.Prof. Kharat R.B.
Asst.Prof. Madne P.S.
2 S.Y.B.Sc. BO 231- Taxonomy of Angiosperms and Plant Ecology
BO 232- Plant Physiology
BO 241- Plant Anatomy and Embryology
BO 242- Plant biotechnology
Asst.Prof. Kharat R.B.
Asst.Prof. Madne P.S.
Asst.Prof. Kharat R.B.
Asst.Prof. Kharat R.B.
Asst.Prof. Madne P.S.
3 T.Y.B.Sc. BO 351- Algae and Fungi
BO 352- Archegoniate
BO 353- Spermatophyta and Paleobotany
BO 354- Plant Ecology
BO 355-Cell and Molecular Biology
BO 356- Genetics
BO 3510-Medicinal Botany
BO 3511-Plant Diversity and Human Health
BO 361- Plant Physiology
BO 362- Biochemistry
BO 363-Plant Pathology
BO 364- Evolution and Population Genetics
BO 365-Advance Plant Biotechnology
BO 366-Plant breeding and Seed Technology
Asst.Prof. Kharat R.B.
Asst.Prof. Kharat R.B.
Asst.Prof. Kharat R.B.
Asst.Prof. Madne P.S.
Asst.Prof. Madne P.S.
Asst.Prof. Madne P.S.
Asst.Prof. Madne P.S.
Asst.Prof. Kharat R.B.
Asst.Prof. Madne P.S.
Asst.Prof. Madne P.S.
Asst.Prof. Kharat R.B.
Asst.Prof. Madne P.S.
Asst.Prof. Kharat R.B.
Asst.Prof. Kharat R.B.
Asst.Prof. Madne P.S.


Sr.No. Class Open OBC NT SC ST Male Female Total
1 F.Y.B.Sc. 12 07 10 3 00 21 11 32
2 S.Y.B.Sc. 11 12 07 01 00 16 15 31
3 T.Y.B.Sc 04 03 01 02 00 09 01 10


Sr.No. Class Open OBC NT SC ST Male Female Total
1 F.Y.B.Sc. 18 17 14 01 00 28 22 50
2 S.Y.B.Sc. 24 34 14 10 00 60 22 82
3 T.Y.B.Sc. 01 00 00 00 00 00 01 01


Sr.No. Class Open OBC NT SC ST Male Female Total
1 F.Y.B.Sc. 39 43 26 09 03 86 34 120
2 S.Y.B.Sc. 19 22 12 08 01 37 25 62
3 T.Y.B.Sc. 03 03 00 00 00 02 04 06


Sr.No. Class Open OBC NT SC ST Male Female Total
1 F.Y.B.Sc. 34 19 13 04 01 45 26 71
2 S.Y.B.Sc. 27 22 08 00 01 32 26 58


Sr.No. Class Open OBC NT SC ST Male Female Total
1 F.Y.B.Sc. 37 20 12 08 01 48 30 78
2 S.Y.B.Sc. 20 15 09 02 01 33 14 47


Year 2022-23 2021-2022 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19
01 01 - - - -

Paper Publication:

Sr.No. Name of the Faculty Title of the Paper Title of the proceedings of conference ISBN/ISSN No. Year Paper Link
1 Asst.Prof.Kharat R.B. In vitro Germination of pollen correlation between viability(TTC staining)Germinability (Invitro) of flowering plants INDIA@75 ISBN No.2348-7143 2022-23 Document
2 Asst.Prof.Dhamal S.D. A Comparative Study of Indian Farmers on Bamboo Crop in Pre and Post-Independence Era. INDIA@75 ISBN No.2348-7143 2022-23 Document
3 Asst.Prof.Waghmare R.S Soil Analysis from near the lale of kapurwadi PERSPECTIVES ON ENVIRONMENT DEGRADATION AND AGRARIAN CRISIS IN INDIA 978-93-86675-30-9 2018-19 Document

Sr.No Title of the Activity Date Link for Report
01 Poster Prsentation Comptition 28/02/2023 View Report
02 Poster Prsentation Comptition 28/02/2022 View Report

Sr.No Name of Alumnus Passing Year Designation
01 Dahiwalkar Prathmesh Ganesh 2022 Business
02 Damal Aditya Subhash 2022 Share Market Counselor
03 Dulgaonkar Gauri Sudhirrao 2022 M.Sc. Botany First Year
04 Khose Jayshri Subhash 2022 B.Ed. First Year
05 Pathan Iffat Ibrahimkhan 2022 M.Sc. Botany First Year
06 Vighne Pratibha Manohar 2022 B.Ed. First Year