RTI Committee


The Right to Information (RTI) Act, enacted by the Parliament of India in 2005, is a vital piece of legislation aimed at promoting transparency and accountability in the functioning of public authorities. It empowers citizens to seek information from any public authority, thereby making the governance process more open and transparent. The RTI Act covers a wide range of entities, including government bodies, institutions, and organizations that
receive substantial funding from the government.

Key features of the RTI Act include:

  • Access to Information: Citizens can request information from public authorities, which are required to respond within a stipulated time frame (usually 30 days).
  • Public Authorities: The Act defines public authorities broadly to include all governmental bodies and institutions substantially funded by the government.
  • Exemptions: Certain types of information are exempted from disclosure to protect national security, privacy, and other sensitive matters.
  • Appeal Mechanism: If an individual is not satisfied with the response, they can file an appeal with higher authorities or approach the Information Commission.

RTI Committee at Pravara Medical Trust's Arts, Commerce and Science College Shevgaon:

As per the Right to Information (RTI) Act 2005, the RTI Committee has reformed at Pravara Medical Trust's Arts, Commerce and Science College Shevgaon. This committee is dedicated to upholding the principles of the RTI Act within the institution. The committee ensures that the college adheres to the provisions of the Act and facilitates the smooth processing of information requests from students, staff, and the public.

Objectives of the RTI Committee:

  1. Promote Transparency: To foster an environment of openness and transparency in all administrative and academic functions of the college.
  2. Facilitate Information Access: To assist individuals in obtaining the information they seek in a timely and efficient manner.
  3. Ensure Compliance: To ensure that the college complies with all legal requirements of the RTI Act.
  4. Educate and Inform: To educate students, staff, and the public about their rights under the RTI Act and the procedures for requesting information.

Functions of the RTI Committee:

  1. Receiving RTI Applications: Accepting and acknowledging receipt of RTI requests from applicants.
  2. Processing Requests: Gathering and providing the requested information within the mandated time frame.
  3. Maintaining Records: Keeping detailed records of RTI applications, responses, and any subsequent appeals.
  4. Conducting Training and Workshops: Organizing sessions to educate stakeholders about the RTI Act and the college's procedures.
  5. Handling Appeals: Reviewing and addressing appeals made against the responses provided by the PIO.
By establishing and maintaining an active RTI Committee, Pravara Medical Trust's Arts, Commerce and Science College Shevgaon demonstrates its commitment to transparency and accountability, fostering trust and confidence among all its stakeholders.