Grievance Redressal Cell

The institute has established a Grievance Redressal Cell to address the general academic complaints of students. It seeks to provide solutions for their grievances through regular committee meetings. Students has advised to submit their complaints related to administration, accounts, finance, academics, etc., either in the complaint box placed outside the administrative office or in the library. Grievances, whether submitted on the prescribed form or in writing, are duly considered. The cell reviews all cases and takes appropriate action in accordance with the policy. If a grievance is beyond the committee's scope, it will be forwarded to the appropriate administrative authority. A report of the grievances addressed is submitted to the authority on a regular basis.


1. To create a platform where student can raise their problems about academic and non-academic matters.
2. To provide transparent and fair process of redressal.
3. To investigate grievances thoroughly.
4. To receive suggestions from the staff and students for improvement.
5. The cell submits effective solution to the staff and students to redress their problems.


1. Cases are taken properly on grievance form or written grievances from the students and staffs. 2. Cell review all the cases and take action accordingly as per the policy. 3. The cell submits report of grievance cases attended to the authority periodically.


1.Suggestion box/Complaint box is placed at the front of administrative office to receive the written complaints.

Grievance Redressal Cell:-2024-25

Sr. No Name of committee member Designation
1 Prof. Kate.A.A Chairman
2 Prof. Pulate. S.R. Member
3 Prof. Raut.S.S Member
4 Prof.Dhadage.K.S. Member
5 Prof.Kokare.K.V. Member